MOUNT PLEASANT, MICH. -- The Central Michigan LIFE, an independent newspaper at Central Michigan University, has published an article in memory of the late Professor Nana Korsah, former chair of the Finlandia University Business Department, who had been teaching at Central Michigan University for three years when he passed away recently. Here is an excerpt from the article:
"Warm, generous and caring.
"These are words coworkers used to describe the late Nana Korsah, 64, Central Michigan University’s director of Master of Science Administration, who passed away over the weekend.
"Korsah died from an apparent heart attack, said Denise Schafer, MSA coordinator, in an email to her staff.
"'Any of you who had ever met this kind and scholarly man will know how much he will be missed,' Schafer said in the email. 'He was a dear and gentle soul; always the student advocate and supporter.'"
Click here to read the rest of this article.
Editor's Note: Keweenaw Now wishes to express our deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Dr. Korsah.
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